February Product Updates Are Here!
📢 1. New Document Type Alert!
Sufficient Funds Affidavit has been added to the list of documents you can request directly from the client portal. If you’d like us to add the SFA to your list of pre-selected documents, please contact your CSM.
📢 2. Re-generating SPF Invoices
For cases where we need to charge the seller any additional fees, we have enabled SPF Invoice re-generation. This feature works differently depending on whether the seller has already paid the first invoice or not. Ask your CSM for more details.
📢 3. SPF Status Highlight
The seller payment status “Failed” is now showing in red color so you can quickly spot the issue. Keep an eye out!
📢 4. API: New Data Points Added
Good news for all API integrated clients! We have added some new data points to the API, so you can now pull HOA website info, the next due date, and all data points for a potential third HOA.
📢 5. API: Mandatory File Number Setting Available
If you have requested the Customer File Number field to be mandatory for your company, this will now be enforced through the API too. An API request for order creation without the file number will receive a failed response explaining that the file number was missing. This will only impact clients who have mandatory file number configured in their settings.
📢 6. Capturing Cancellation Data
Do you need to send us specific cancellation data after you cancel an order? When enabled, our new feature will trigger a pop-up whenever you click the Cancel button on the order details page. You can then enter the order cancellation date (mandatory) and upload a COC document (optional). Ask your CSM for more info and implementation.
💥 This month’s feature reminder: let us know in case of a cancellation!
A quick reminder that you can use the red “Cancel” button on the order details page to cancel in case your transaction falls through. Our team will be notified immediately and will take action at once.